Amputee management

If a child or young person has undergone an amputation as part of their treatment for cancer there will be a wider multi-disciplinary team (MDT) involved in their care than for most other childhood cancers. Ideally, they will have been referred to physiotherapy and occupational therapy (OT) before their surgery.

The main types of amputation seen are: above knee (AKA), below knee (BKA) and, less commonly, a rotationplasty.

Physiotherapy immediately post-op is provided by the acute hospital physiotherapists and focuses on range of movement (ROM) strengthening exercises and mobility pre-prosthetic limb fitting. Limb fitting will be arranged by the orthopaedic department and will occur once the wound has healed, or is beginning to heal.

OT will focus on functional rehabilitation: addressing environmental barriers both at home and school, body image, prosthetic use, promoting quality of life and participation with daily activities and play. Depending on the arrangements in their local area, the OT may also be responsible for arranging wheelchair provision.

The patient will attend their local prosthetic service for limb-fitting and it is also here that they will start gait re-training with the new limb. If you will be working with the child or young person, it may be useful to visit them when they are attending an appointment here to speak to the physiotherapists and orthotics about the treatment, their goals, etc. They are also more than happy to discuss patients over the phone.

By the time the child or young person is attending physiotherapy in the community, they will more than likely have a prosthetic limb fitted which they will be wearing when mobilising. The main aims of treatment are maintaining/improving range of movement and muscle power, working towards independent gait and return to normal function/activities.

If you have any concerns regarding the rehabilitation of a patient who has undergone an amputation, please contact their local cancer centre directly.

Further information and support 

Limbless Organisation of North-East Scotland 

BADER information on Limb Loss (BILL) A UK limb-loss information centre for patients, families and professionals.

Amputee Coalition A North American organisation, but has good reading material for children on its website.

Resource Book: MILLS, J.C. (1992) Little Tree: A Story for Children with Serious Medical Problems. Ideal for ages 4-8