Please make cheques payable to CCLG and send to:
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group
Century House
24 De Montfort Street
Please do include a covering note with your details, so that we can thank you properly, and let us know if your donation is for a Special Named Fund or connected with a particular fundraising event.
If you are making a donation by cheque, and are a UK taxpayer, please download our Gift Aid declaration . By completing this simple form and returning it to us with your donation, your gift could be worth an extra 25% at no cost to you.
Standing order
If you would like to make a regular donation by standing order, please download the form below and return it to us at the address above.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the Gift Aid box to make your donation worth an extra 25% to us, at no cost to you.
Pay in fundraising money
You can pay in fundraising money online or by post.