Policy and advocacy

We use our expertise and influence to make things better. By campaigning and advocating for children and young people with cancer, their families, and the professionals who support them, we’re driving change where it matters most.

Working alongside politicians, governments, the NHS, and other organisations, we’re pushing for progress and shaping a brighter future for young lives. 

We combine our professional membership’s expertise along with the voice of lived experience to develop position statements and policy ideas, shape campaigns, and respond to consultations from governments, the NHS, and other bodies about plans, policies, research or services for children and young people with cancer.

We also work in partnership with other organisations to ensure that children and young people’s cancer has a strong, unified voice. We are a founding member of the Children and Young People’s Cancer Coalition (link to subpage) and our Chief Executive is the current Chair. We also contribute to wider policy work where it affects children and young people with cancer, including through our membership of Cancer 52 (link), the Association of Medical Research Charities (link), the Wales Cancer Alliance (link), and the One Cancer Voice coalition.

Our call for a Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan

We’re on a mission with Young Lives vs Cancer to call for a Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan, to make sure their unique and critical needs are recognised, understood, and addressed to improve experiences and outcomes for young cancer patients.

Cancer is still the biggest killer by disease in the UK for children and young people, and over 4,000 children and young people under 25 are diagnosed every year.

Cancer in children and young people is different from older adults – it’s less common, needs different treatment, has distinct impacts (including mental health and financial), and comes at a key developmental stage in life. This means the care and support they need is unique, and plans and strategies that work for adults just won’t work for them.

Our call for a Children and Young People's Cancer Plan

We’re on a mission with Young Lives vs Cancer to call for a Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan, to make sure their unique and critical needs are recognised, understood, and addressed to improve experiences and outcomes for young cancer patients.

Children and young People's Cancer Coalition

The Children and Young People’s Cancer Coalition (CYPCC) is a CEO-led charity coalition, bringing together more than 40 charities with an interest in children and young people’s cancer.