A mother sits on the sofa, with her sick child's head on a cushion in her lap.

About cancer

Cancer affects the lives of over 4,000 children and young people every year. Cancers in children and young people are quite uncommon compared to adult cancers. They also look different under the microscope, and respond differently to treatment.

Image of a brain tumour cell

What is cancer?

Cancer is a disease that makes certain cells in the body grow and divide uncontrollably. Normally, healthy cells grow, divide and, in time, get worn out and die. If something goes wrong this process gets out of control, so the cells carry on dividing and…

A young woman sitting a desk talking through results with a doctor

Cancer in children and young people

More children and young people than ever before are surviving cancer. There have been huge improvements in cancer treatment for young people in the past 50 years.

A mother sits on the sofa, with her sick child's head on a cushion in her lap.

My child and cancer

Information and resources to support you if your child currently has cancer, or if you are worried that your child might have cancer.

A young woman wearing a headscarf, lying under a blanket, talking to a doctor.

Young people and cancer

Information and resources to help you if you are a teenager or young adult with cancer, or are worried you might have cancer.

A group of smiling young people getting off a tube train

Living beyond cancer

Many children, teenagers and young adults are treated successfully for cancer. There are now over 45,000 survivors of childhood cancer in the UK who are supported with specialist health care and advice.

Cancer stories

Read personal stories from young people and families affected by cancer. Each of these stories has been submitted to us by a young person or family with first-hand experience of childhood cancer, whether currently or in the past.

Information resources

Our free publications are available for anyone to order or download. Contact Magazine is a quarterly magazine offering stories, advice and resources to parents, families and young people with cancer.

Useful links

There are a wide range of charities and other organisations providing a variety of information, services and support for children and young people with cancer, and their families.

Public Health England: Children, teenagers and young adults UK cancer statistics report 2021 https://digital.nhs.uk/ndrs/data/data-outputs/cancer-publications-and-tools/ctya-uk-cancer-statistics-report-2021

Cancer Research UK: Children's and Young People's Cancer Statistics. Accessed February 2025 https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/data-and-statistics/cancer-statistics/childrens-and-young-peoples-cancers-statistics