Lived experience involvement

We’re committed to making sure the voices and experiences of children and young people with cancer, as well as their families, are at the heart of everything we do. Your lived experience is invaluable in guiding our work and ensuring it truly reflects the needs of those we’re here to support.

We’re currently developing a ‘lived experience’ strategy, which we’ll publish to this page soon. It sets out how we plan to ensure that lived experience informs all of our work for and with children and young people with cancer, and our commitment to ensuring diversity in lived experience involvement.

There are many ways you can get involved:

  • Share your story to TEXT
  • Take part in research: Participate in research, for example through online surveys, interactive workshops, and more
  • Review research applications: Help us review applications for research funding, to ensure the projects we fund are meaningful and relevant to children and young people with cancer
  • Shape future research and work with researchers: We match those with lived experience with researchers, and support them to work together at all stages of the research cycle, from developing new ideas, designing research to overseeing the delivery of research and sharing the findings

If you’d like to get involved, please contact We’ll be adding more information to this section of our website soon, so please check back or follow us on social media to find out more.