Early Career Researcher Network

A group open to researchers in the earlier stages of being involved with children and young people’s cancer research.

This group is for researchers from all backgrounds, whether you have a full-time research-focused career or are involved in children and young people's (CYP) cancer research alongside your professional role.

The Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network is an inclusive space for researchers working across all disciplines, from lab-based studies to qualitative research. There is no strict limit on research experience - if you would benefit from the support of this network, you are welcome to join. CCLG membership is required, but a discounted rate of £5 for the first year is available to researchers.

  • Our first meeting

    Mark your calendars for the first virtual meeting on 21 May from 3:30 - 5pm. It's the perfect opportunity to meet fellow researchers and share the challenges and opportunities of work in this field. 

    We want to understand what you'd like to see from this network and help shape which activities are organised for network members. Everyone is welcome to join the meeting to see whether they are interested in joining the network and signing up for CCLG membership.

    Register now

Why join the network?

Being involved with children and young people’s cancer research is a privilege, but there are also unique challenges. The CCLG ECR network has been established to support researchers from across the field through a range of different activities:

  • In-person one-day workshop: Connect with experts, hear informative talks, and showcase your research through presentations and posters.
  • Sessions on topics relevant for ECRs working specifically in the field of children and young people’s cancer research.
  • Opportunity for peer-to-peer networking, support with connecting to experts from across the CCLG community for mentorship and guidance.
  • Regular newsletter with informative articles, insight from experts from across the CYP cancer field, and shared experiences from ECRs across different disciplines.

How it works

The CCLG ECR network is a special interest group within the wider CCLG membership. Researchers can take advantage of our introductory annual membership offer of £5 to enjoy all the benefits of CCLG membership alongside the ECR network. ECRs employed on CCLG-funded projects are entitled to free membership for the duration of their grant. 

Further information about CCLG membership can be found here. Once you have confirmed your membership, you can join the CCLG ECR network special interest group.

As a member, you will gain access to:

  • Special Interest Groups, bringing together networks of members around specific cancer types, professions or disciplines and key aspects of treatment and care.
  • Our online community, 'CCLG Connect' providing a space for our members to share ideas, knowledge, advice, solve problems, collaborate, ask and answer questions and above all, connect with each other.
  • National clinical treatment and best practice guidelines written by expert panels.
  • Member's website access including treatment guidelines and member directory.
  • Monthly email newsletter
  • Free digital copy of Contact magazine - quarterly magazine providing information to families.
  • Be supported in your professional development through a range of education resources, videos, talks and presentations.
  • Conferences, meetings and courses throughout the year, with reduced registration fees for members.
  • Access to other support for your work or career including travel grants to support attendance at meetings and conferences.
  • Ability to Chair groups, stand for office and vote in elections.
  • Gain from the support and experience of other members.

A network led by and run for ECRs

To ensure that the ECR network is providing tailored support, we will set up a peer-led leadership committee to help guide us with the future direction and activities provided. The leadership committee will also receive guidance from a group of senior advisors who are experienced in CYP cancer research to help establish the network.

As well as providing activities relevant for all CYP cancer researchers, we will develop tailored activities for sub-groups, such as those from different professional backgrounds or who use particular methods.

Register now


Find out more about our research

Research at CCLG

The incredible progress in treating cancer in children and young people is built on decades of dedicated research and clinical trials. Over the last 40 years, this research has transformed survival rates, with more than 80% of children now being cured.…

A woman in a research lab, in a white lab coat, looking into a large microscope.

Research blog

Our research blog covers a huge range of topics relating to cancer in children and young people, with input from clinicians, researchers and young people who have been affected by cancer.

How we fund research

We fund research that improves the treatment, care and support for children and young people with cancer.