Payroll giving

Set up a regular donation from your salary for a tax efficient way to support our work.

Payroll giving is a tax efficient scheme that allows you to make regular donations to us straight from your salary – and because your donation is taken out before tax, a £10 a month donation will actually only cost you £8. You can donate any amount to us and you can stop your donation at any time you wish.

The Charities Aid Foundation’s (CAF) Give As You Earn scheme is the UK’s number one payroll giving scheme.

  • Regular donations come from your salary before tax.
  • For a basic rate tax-payer every pound given only costs you 80 pence – even less for higher rate taxpayers.
  • CAF claim Gift Aid on your donation, and pass it on to us less their fee, though sometimes employers agree to pay the fees.

If you would like to sign up for the CAF Give As You Earn scheme you just need to make sure your employer is signed up to the scheme (some employers even boost the sums by matching their employees' donations). Then simply complete the application form and pass it to your employer's payroll section, they will do the rest.