Donation FAQs

Questions about donations? Take a look at our frequently asked questions below.

Cheques should be made payable to CCLG and sent to us at:

CCLG: The Children and Young People's Cancer Association
Century House
24 De Montfort Street
Leicester LE1 7GB

Please note, we do not recommend sending cash through the post.

If you wish to donate in this way, CAF cheques or vouchers should be made payable to Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group and sent to:

CCLG: The Children and Young People's Cancer Association
Century House
24 De Montfort Street
Leicester LE1 7GB

Yes, if you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim Gift Aid on donations made online or offline, no matter how large or small. You can find out more about the Gift Aid scheme, and let us know that you’re eligible for Gift Aid in our Gift Aid section.

We’re delighted you want to fundraise for us. Your amazing efforts will help us to beat childhood cancer.

There are so many ways you can get involved - have a look at our 'Get involved' section for some great events and fundraising ideas. We'll offer you plenty of advice and support with your fundraising, including our brilliant fundraising materials.

If you're not sure how you would like to raise funds, please contact us.

We'd be happy to 'ringfence' your donation to support our work into a specific type of childhood cancer. Just let us know when you make the donation the type of cancer you would like us to ringfence your donation to, and we'll do the rest.

We can also ringfence your donation to a specific area of our work, for example our publications for parents and patients, or our research activity. Again, just let us know when you make the donation.

If you are planning to donate or fundraise on an ongoing basis, why not consider one of our Special Named Funds? All donations made to a fund are ringfenced to a specific type of cancer or area of our work, whether the donations are from yourself, or other fundraisers and supporters.

Yes! Text CCLG to 70085 to donate £3. 

There are lots of advantages to setting up an online fundraising page on JustGiving. It’s easy to set up and manage, and your supporters can donate from anywhere, at any time, and leave you messages of support. Even better, all donations are sent directly to us, so you don’t need to spend time collecting money. You can add a personal story, photos and updates to encourage people to give, and you can link directly to your Facebook page or Twitter account and reach even more people. Finally, if donations are eligible for Gift Aid, this will automatically be reclaimed for us.

Find out more


Long-term donations enable us to plan for the future and ensure money is available where it is needed most. Regular gifts mean a consistent, predictable income so we can plan and budget better, making us more efficient. It’s also more cost effective. More of your money goes to our work as they generate less administration and carry cheaper bank charges.

There are benefits for you too. A regular gift is a hassle-free way to donate, while knowing that you are helping us to beat childhood cancer.

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