It’s finally happened; you have finished treatment! After months or even years of tests, treatment, side effects, surgery, scans, and hospitals, you will likely feel happy and relieved that you are now out on the other side. But you might feel unsettled or lost too. This may not be what you were expecting and it can be frustrating when people think you should be ‘back to normal’.
Many people are surprised by the mix of different emotions that they experience after finishing treatment, and this is completely normal. There is no right or wrong way to feel and every person is different.
Having cancer is life-changing so it will take time to process what has happened. You may feel tired for a few months or longer, as your mind and body adjusts. It is best to take things slowly and not make any big decisions straightaway. It is good to be realistic about how life may have changed. Think about setting small and achievable goals rather than high expectations which may be difficult to achieve at first. Being prepared for this can help you to re-adjust more easily.
Getting ready to go home
When you are ill, the hospital can feel like a very safe place. You may look forward to going home, but the thought of being away from the hospital and your healthcare team can also be quite scary.
Your feelings after treatment
You have been through a major trauma and faced things many young people have never even considered. But even though you have been treated for cancer, you are still the same person you were before.
What happens now?
Now that you have finished treatment, you may find you have lots of questions about your experience and what the future may hold. This information tries to provide answers to some of the most common questions.
What if the cancer comes back
Many cancers that affect young people can be treated successfully. Treatment for cancer aims to remove or destroy all the cancer cells. But sometimes cancers can come back.