If your cancer cannot be cured

Get help as you think through what you want to do now and start making any decisions for the future.

Sadly, sometimes you are faced with the devastating news that there are no more treatment options available for you, which means that a cure is now no longer possible.

The goal shifts from being able to cure your disease to providing the best quality of life for you and managing your symptoms. You will be looked after by a specialist team with expertise in managing symptoms and providing emotional and practical help and support to the whole family.

Everyone reacts differently to receiving this news. You might be angry, sad, scared or frustrated - or have different feelings entirely. There's no right or wrong way to react. 

You might find it helps to speak to a clinical psychologist. They will help you through whatever is on your mind – from dealing with difficult conversations to planning how and where you’d like to spend your last days. You might be feeling pretty powerless, but you actually have a lot of control over decisions that affect your life.

Your doctors will let you know how you can keep your symptoms under control. And they’ll answer any questions you have, so don't be afraid to ask. Getting the right information is really important as you think through what you want to do now and start making any decisions for the future.

Cancer and relationships

Going through cancer and its treatment can affect the relationships you have with people, including your parents and family, friends and partners. You might find that having cancer makes some of your relationships stronger. You might make new friends, or…