Become a member of CCLG

CCLG: The Children & Young People’s Cancer Association is the UK and Ireland’s professional association for health and social care professionals working in paediatric or TYA cancer services, and researchers in the field of children and young people’s cancer.

If you’re working in children and young people’s cancer and want to access a wide range of career, networking and learning opportunities – join CCLG today!

Becoming a member reflects your dedication and commitment to working together with other professionals to help save more young lives. Together, our collective membership has a powerful voice in developing and improving standards of treatment and care for all children and young people with cancer, and our members offer advice to the Government and NHS, as well as providing feedback to bodies like NICE.

Membership of CCLG also delivers a broad array of learning and professional development opportunities and resources, plus a true sense of community. Benefits of being a member include: 

  • Special Interest Groups, bringing together networks of members around specific cancer types, professions or disciplines, and key aspects of treatment and care.
  • Our online community, ‘CCLG Connect’, providing a space for our members to share ideas, knowledge, advice, solve problems, collaborate, ask and answer questions and, above all, connect with each other.
  • National clinical treatment and best practice guidelines written by expert panels
  • Members' website access including treatment guidelines and member directory
  • Monthly email newsletter
  • Free digital copy of Contact magazine – quarterly magazine providing information to families
  • Be supported in your professional development through a range of education resources: videos, talks and presentations
  • Conferences, meetings, and courses throughout the year, with reduced registration fees for members
  • Subsidised membership of SIOP Europe
  • Access to other support for your work or career – including travel grants to support attendance at meetings and conferences
  • Ability to Chair groups, stand for office and vote in elections
  • Gain from the support and experience of other members
Without the CCLG, I don't think I could do my job as well as I do. Being a member enables us to give the best care we can for our patients and their families.
Dr Nicky Thorp, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, The Christie

Find the right membership for you

CCLG membership is open to medical, health and social care professionals, researchers and scientists involved in the multidisciplinary care or scientific research of children, teenagers and young adults with cancer at all stages of their career.  

As the UK and Ireland's only professional association for those involved in the treatment and care of children and young people with cancer, we’re proud to offer a range of membership options to support you in your career path. 

If you’re a new member, join from just £5 for your first year*. 

Discover which category is right for you

Membership categoryDetails
Consultant medicalFor all consultant level doctors, as well as SAS doctors, including clinical academics.
Resident medicalFor medics below consultant or staff grade levels, i.e. trainee/junior doctors
Non-medical For nurses, allied health professionals and other non-medical staff working with children and young people with cancer in a children or TYA cancer service, including pharmacists, psychologists, social workers, youth support coordinators etc. An early-career discount is available for professionals in this category within their first three years in CYP cancer services.
ScientificFor non-clinical academics, clinical trials staff (including trial coordinators and data managers), researchers, epidemiologists and related professional groups. An early-career discount is available for professionals in this category. Early career researchers working on CCLG-funded (including Little Princess Trust-funded) projects can join for free for the duration of their funding.

This category is for healthcare professionals who work with children and/or teenagers and young adults with cancer as part of a wider role, for example

  • Nursing staff, allied health professionals, other health professionals whose role is less than 100% CYP cancer, e.g. shared care nursing staff who work with other specialties/general paeds, AHPs whose role is less than 100% CYP cancer
  • ‘Adult’ oncologists or haematologists outside of TYA principal treatment centres with an interest in TYA cancer
  • Non-oncology specialties supporting oncology patients e.g. cardiologists in long-term follow-up, ophthalmologists in retinoblastoma services etc
InternationalFor professionals working outside of the UK and Ireland. Those working in low- or middle-income countries can join for free.
HonoraryFor former UK and Ireland members who have retired - for information about this category please email 
CharityWe now offer a special membership for those employed by charities (i.e. not ‘funded by’ and employed in the NHS) working directly with CYP, and their direct managers, for example family support workers. For more information, and to apply, please see [link to charity member page]

Membership packages and fees [subpage link]

Download membership fee information [need a new pdf]


  • Medical and non-medical healthcare professional membership is open to UK/Ireland professionals working in a hospital (or healthcare setting) with responsibility for the treatment and care of children and young people with cancer (e.g. Principal Treatment Centre, Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit)
  • Scientific membership is open to researchers (including clinical trials staff) working in paediatric oncology/haematology research (or related discipline) within a UK or Ireland research instutution (e.g. university)
  • International membership is open medical and healthcare professionals, researchers, and scientists involved in the multidisciplinary care or scientific research of children and younger teenagers with cancer (including leukaemia), outside of the UK and Ireland

If you are unsure which category is best suited to you, please contact our Membership Team at  

How do I join?

To complete your membership application follow the link below and select the form which is relevant to your method of payment. The form will help guide you to the most appropriate membership category. We also have more information about membership categories if you need it.

If you need any help with the application process, please contact our membership team

Join now

Subpage: Membership options and fees (currently

Membership fees

As the UK and Ireland's only professional association for those involved in the treatment and care of children with cancer, we’re proud to offer a range of membership options to support you in your career path. 

You can choose to pay for your membership: 

  • by Direct Debit* - pay annually or choose to spread the cost of your membership over 12 months
  • by credit or debit card
  • we can invoice your organisation (you must have agreement from your organisation before applying to join)

*Direct Debit is only available to UK-based members

Membership categoryAnnual costMonthly DD cost Notes
Consultant medical (including SAS doctors)£145£12.25
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15 (£1.25 monthly)
Resident medical£55£4.75
  • First year for £5 for new members
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15 (£1.25 monthly)
  • First year for £5 for new members
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15 (£1.25 monthly)
  • Early-career discount: 50% off for first three years in CYP cancer services
  • Membership is free for professionals funded by Young Lives vs Cancer (e.g. social workers) and Teenage Cancer Trust (e.g. nurses, Youth Support Coordinators) working in the NHS
  • First year for £5 for new members
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15 (£1.25 monthly)
  • Early-career discount: 50% off for PhD students and researchers within 10 years of PhD
  • Free membership for ECRs working on CCLG-funded research
  • First year for £5 for new members
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15 (£1.25 monthly)
  • Free for LMICs
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15 (charge also applies for LMIC members)
  • Add subsidised SIOP Europe membership for £15

SIOP-Europe membership

As a member of CCLG, you can also add on membership of SIOP Europe for a subsidised rate of £15 per year (£1.25 per month if paying by monthly Direct Debit.) Please note, SIOP Europe membership is separate to SIOP (Global) membership which requires you to join as an individual. 

Please note that SIOP-Europe currently process membership applications once yearly, so please note that there may be a delay in your application being processed and confirmed.

First year for £5 offer

Members joining CCLG in the resident medical, non-medical or scientific categories are eligible for their first year of membership at the discounted rate of £5. This applies to new members only. Members who have lapsed and are rejoining are not eligible for this offer.

Ready to join? 

Complete your membership application via the link below and select the form which is relevant to your method of payment. The form will help guide you to the most appropriate membership category. We also have more information about membership categories if you need it.

If you need any help with the application process, please contact our membership team

Join now