Telephone triage toolkit for children and young people
The Oncology/Haematology Telephone Triage Tool Kit for Children's Cancer Services has been updated. It provides guidance for the training, competencies, provision of triage assessment, and audit process for staff answering telephone advice line calls.
Paediatric generic systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) consent form
This consent form has been developed by a multi-professional group working in the fields of children’s and young adult cancer supported by the UK Chemotherapy Board, Cancer Research UK and the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG). The form can be downloaded from the CRUK website.
The role of the Lead Cancer Nurse for children’s and young people (CYP) services: a position statement from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) / Children’s Cancer & Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Children and Young People’s Cancer Nurses Community
The focus of this paper is the role of the Lead Cancer Nurse within a PTC for Children’s Cancer in England but will also advocate for the same approach in all four nations of the UK. It addresses the nursing leadership required within a Children’s Cancer Network as set out in the NHS England/NHS Improvement (NHSE/I, 2020) service specification. It discusses the role of the Lead Nurse within a Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU).
Lead Cancer Nurse Position Statement
Ambulatory care resources
Ambulatory Care (AC) is a model of healthcare that helps patients receive medical treatment without staying in the hospital overnight. In the UK cancer setting, it has come to refer to the hospital-led coordination and delivery of treatments that traditionally require an inpatient stay.