Treatment regimens An overview of the treatment regimens for children and young people with cancer.
Treatment modalities (types of treatment) An overview of the primary treatment modalities (types of treatment) for children and young people with cancer.
Central lines An overview of the different type of lines used within paediatric haematology/oncology.
Clinical trials Most advances made in treating children and young people’s cancers have been made because of clinical trials. If there is a clinical trial available and a child or young person is eligible, consent will be obtained from them (if appropriate) or from their parent or guardian, to enrol them.
Introduction to steroids Steroids are prescribed for children and young people with cancer as either part of their treatment or more rarely as a supportive measure.
Amputee management If a child or young person has undergone an amputation as part of their treatment for cancer there will be a wider multi-disciplinary team (MDT) involved in their care than for most other childhood cancers.
Limb sparing surgery A child or young person with a primary bone tumour will normally need an operation to remove the primary tumour to gain local disease control.
Stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant) Haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is used in malignant haematology/oncology when standard dose intravenous chemotherapy alone is not considered sufficient to cure the disease