
To be told that your grandchild has cancer comes as a terrible shock. Most grandparents worry not only about the sick child, but also about how their own son/daughter will cope. 

Most grandparents are also concerned about the effects it will have on any other children within the family, and of course, how, as grandparents, they themselves will cope.

Parents of the sick child usually have access to doctors and others who can answer their questions. It is not as easy for grandparents to get information first hand and this can lead to feelings of isolation. While the internet may provide useful information, not all of it is reliable.

I feel so angry and hurt that the little boy I have loved so much is suffering so. I wonder, do other grandparents feel the same?
Grandparent of child with cancer

How you can help

Many grandparents play crucial roles in the lives of their grandchildren even before there is illness in the family. Others may have much less involvement due to practical problems such as living away, work commitments or other pressures on time.

Support for you

Learning that your grandchild has cancer is a huge shock. You may feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation as you worry about both your child and grandchild.

Reviewed: July 2024
Next review date: July 2027