The goal shifts from being able to cure a child's disease to providing the best quality of life for the child and managing their symptoms. You and your child will be looked after by a specialist team with expertise in managing symptoms and providing emotional and practical help and support to the whole family.
Palliative care
Palliative care is the phase of treatment where cure is no longer possible, and is concerned with managing symptoms and quality of life.
Facing the death of your child and bereavement
When a child dies, it simply does not make any logical sense. We do not expect to outlive our children. It is not the normal way of things. Suddenly, all the promise of that young life has gone. The sadness and grief can be overwhelming and it can feel as…
Helpful resources

Managing symptoms at home
This booklet is about ‘palliative care’ - the phase of treatment where cure is no longer possible – and is concerned with managing symptoms and quality of life. It has been written to give you information about commonly occurring symptoms, their causes, available treatments and, most importantly, suggestions for simple things that you can do at home to help your child.

Facing the death of your child
Suggestions and help for families, before and after their child dies. Written jointly with a bereaved parent and psychologist, to try to help with both practical and emotional issues.

Bereavement - sources of help and support
The death of a child is a devastating experience for everyone who knew and loved the child. Suddenly, the promise of a young life with a future of hopes and dreams is gone. This simply does not make sense and goes against how we expect normal life to be.