Managing symptoms at home
Published: Oct 2020
Next review: Oct 2023
This booklet is about ‘palliative care’ - the phase of treatment where cure is no longer possible – and is concerned with managing symptoms and quality of life. It has been written to give you information about commonly occurring symptoms, their causes, available treatments and, most importantly, suggestions for simple things that you can do at home to help your child.
It also includes information on services which are available to your family, an explanation of how care and services will be organised around you and information on how you can contact these services for help and advice when you need it.
BMA Patient Information Resource of the Year 2011 - Runner Up
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How this resource was made
Originally written by Alison Dowsett and the Paediatric Oncology Palliative Care Team, Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust, in collaboration with the CCLG Publications Committee. This edition was reviewed and revised by the CCLG Publications Committee, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer.
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