Front cover of booklet - Supporting your grandchild and family

Supporting your grandchild and family

Published: Jul 2024

Next review: Jul 2027


An information guide for grandparents of a child or young person diagnosed with cancer. This guide answers some of the many questions grandparents might have during diagnosis and treatment.

Being told your grandchild has cancer comes as a terrible shock. Most grandparents worry not only about their poorly grandchild, but also about how their own son/daughter will cope. Many are also concerned about the effects a cancer diagnosis will have on other children within the family, how they can support their family and how, as grandparents, they themselves will cope.

Your grandchild’s parents will have direct access to a hospital team who can answer their questions. Sometimes, it is not as easy for grandparents to access information first hand and this can lead to feelings of isolation and not knowing what is happening.

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How this resource was made

This edition was reviewed and edited by the CCLG information team in conjunction with the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising parents, survivors and multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer.

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