Supporting brothers and sisters
Published: Sep 2021
Next review: Sep 2024
A practical information guide for parents and other adults who are caring for siblings of a child with cancer. Each brother and sister will react very differently to the diagnosis and its consequences but this booklet covers some of the issues that commonly arise.
Family, friends, neighbours, teachers and babysitters may all be involved in helping parents to look after brothers and sisters. This resource gives useful advice on how best to help brothers and sisters cope when their sibling has cancer.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it has an emotional effect on the whole family including brothers and sisters. Their world has turned upside down and they may not fully understand why this is happening. They will naturally have lots of questions and fears although they may not want to worry anyone at this anxious time.
An honest approach is nearly always best, but if you are not the parents, you should always check with them on what is ok to say. As parents, if you don’t feel able to tell siblings what is happening, there may be staff at the hospital who can advise.
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How this resource was made
This edition was reviewed and edited by the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer.
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