Early Career Investigator
Author: Dr Timothy Ritzman et al.
Abstract: Tumour associated myeloid cells drive the immunobiology of high risk paediatric ependymoma
Innovation & Change
Author: Dr Lorna Fern et al.
Abstract: Patient reported outcomes and times to cancer diagnosis in teenagers and young adults: Cross sectional analysis of the BRIGHTLIGHT cohort
Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary
Author: Dr Christine Dahl et al.
Abstract: Introduction of a multidisciplinary neuro-oncology long-term follow up clinic
Transforming Care
Author: Joanna Stone et al.
Abstract: Back on track - Pilot project to scope the follow-up needs of neuro-oncology survivors aged 1-24
Experimental & Translational Science
Author: Dr Anthony Ford et al.
Abstract: Covert pre-leukaemic clones in healthy co-twins of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Best Poster
Author: Dr Anbarasu Lourdusamy et al.
Abstract: The molecular landscape of medulloblastoma in teenage and young adults
Best Poster
Author: Jessica Hayes et al.
Abstract: Cost analysis of increased use of PEG-GCSF primary prophylaxis during the COVID-19 pandemic
Best Poster
Author: Abu Sidhanee et al.
Abstract: The one-year experience of a national children's and young person's cancer training programme for physiotherapists and occupational therapists across the UK