
Our publications are free and available as digital downloads or as physical booklets and factsheets.

Front cover for booklet - searching for information and support online

Searching for information and support online

Help and advice for parents and families of children, teenagers and young adults with cancer. As a parent or carer of a newly-diagnosed child, you may not feel confident when searching through cancer information. This leaflet offers advice and tips on where to start and what to look for.

Front cover for factsheet - Sickness caused by chemotherapy

Sickness caused by chemotherapy

Information for parents, carer and families of a child or young person with cancer. This guide helps to explain how your child’s treatment might affect them and what you should do.

Front cover for booklet - stem cell transplant

Stem cell transplant

A guide to donor (allogeneic) stem cell transplantation for teenagers and young adults.

Front cover for booklet - a school's guide to supporting a pupil with cancer

Supporting a pupil with cancer: a school's guide

An information guide for teachers and staff helping children and young people with cancer at school. This guide aims to lessen some of the worries school staff may have by giving simple practical information and advice on a variety of issues faced by the child and their family, and some ideas on how to help them within a school setting.

Front cover for booklet - supporting brothers and sisters

Supporting brothers and sisters

A practical information guide for parents and other adults who are caring for siblings of a child with cancer. Each brother and sister will react very differently to the diagnosis and its consequences but this booklet covers some of the issues that commonly arise.

Front cover of booklet - Supporting your grandchild and family

Supporting your grandchild and family

An information guide for grandparents of a child or young person diagnosed with cancer. This guide answers some of the many questions grandparents might have during diagnosis and treatment.

Front cover for booklet - Taking part in clinical trials

Taking part in clinical trials

Information for parents or carers of a child or young person with cancer. Many children and young people with cancer are treated on clinical trials. We hope this booklet, designed for parents and carers of children and young people with cancer, will help you to understand more about clinical trials and answer some of the questions you may have.

Front cover for booklet - Taking part in research

Taking part in research

A guide for teenagers and young adults with cancer who are considering taking part in a research study or clinical trial. This factsheet explains the different types of clinical research that you may be invited to take part in.

Front cover for 'Oral temozolomide for children and young people' factsheet


Temozolomide is a chemotherapy medicine used in the treatment of certain types of cancers. This factsheet provides information on the use of oral temozolomide in children and young people with cancer.

Front cover for factsheet - total body irradiation (TBI)

Total body irradiation (TBI)

Information for young people with cancer, and parents of a child or young person with cancer, having total body irradiation (TBI) for a stem cell transplant.