
Our publications are free and available as digital downloads or as physical booklets and factsheets.

Front cover for late effects factsheet - Oral health

Late effects - Oral health

This factsheet gives an overview of the potential late effects on oral health after treatment for childhood cancer.

Front cover for late effects factsheet - pituitary gland

Late effects - Pituitary gland

This factsheet gives an overview of the potential late effects on the pituitary gland after treatment for childhood cancer.

Front cover for late effects factsheet - Spleen

Late effects - Spleen

This factsheet gives an overview of the potential late effects relating to the spleen, after treatment for childhood cancer.

Front cover for late effects factsheet - Thyroid gland

Late effects - Thyroid gland

This factsheet gives an overview of the potential late effects on the thyroid gland, after treatment for childhood cancer.

Front cover for factsheet - liver tumours

Liver tumours in children

This factsheet gives an overview of liver tumours in children, including symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Front cover for booklet - Living beyond cancer

Living beyond cancer

This guide for survivors of childhood cancer has been written by experts to help answer some of the questions you might have.

Front cover for factsheet - Oral lomustine for children and young people


Lomustine is a chemotherapy medicine used in the treatment of certain types of cancers. This factsheet provides information on the use of oral lomustine in children and young people with cancer.

Front cover of booklet Managing symptoms at home

Managing symptoms at home

This booklet is about ‘palliative care’ - the phase of treatment where cure is no longer possible – and is concerned with managing symptoms and quality of life. It has been written to give you information about commonly occurring symptoms, their causes, available treatments and, most importantly, suggestions for simple things that you can do at home to help your child.