Sickness caused by chemotherapy
Published: Mar 2023
Next review: Mar 2026
Information for parents, carer and families of a child or young person with cancer. This guide helps to explain how your child’s treatment might affect them and what you should do.
Information in this guide should be used to support professional advice specific to your child’s diagnosis. If you have any questions, it is important to ask your child’s medical team.
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How this resource was made
Written by Eloise Neumann, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Neuro-Oncology and Helen Woodman, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Late Effects (Oncology & Haematology), Birmingham Children’s Hospital and CCLG members, who wrote this factsheet on behalf of the CCLG Supportive care group and the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising multi-professional experts in the field of children’s cancer as well as parents and survivors.
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