Front cover for booklet - a school's guide to supporting a pupil with cancer

Supporting a pupil with cancer: a school's guide

Published: May 2023

Next review: May 2026


An information guide for teachers and staff helping children and young people with cancer at school.

Going to school is vital for children with cancer. School helps them to feel ‘normal’ and reduces the isolation and loneliness which many children with cancer face. Teachers have a really important role to play in encouraging the child’s integration back into a school routine. But cancer is a scary word for many and it is completely normal for teachers and others working at the school to feel upset – not just for the awful situation facing the pupil and their family, but also for the impact on the rest of the class and school community.

As a teacher or support staff, you may feel daunted about what to expect and worried about not having the confidence or expertise to deal with the child returning to school. This guide aims to lessen some of the worries you may have by giving simple practical information and advice on a variety of issues faced by the child and their family, and some ideas on how to help them within a school setting.

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How this resource was made

This edition was reviewed and edited by the CCLG information team in conjunction with the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising parents, survivors and multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer.

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