CYP Cancer Framework

The RCN / CCLG ‘Career and Education Framework for Children and Young People Cancer Nursing’ has been extensively updated in 2022 by a working party from across the RCN / CCLG nursing Groups.

Career and Education Framework for Children and Young People (CYP) Cancer Nursing 2022 v3.0

The framework sets out competencies for knowledge and skills across a range of topic areas in CYP cancer care relevant to career stages. This highlights the professional development required for nurses at all levels of practice aspiring to build or maintain a career in cancer nursing.

This 2022 3rd Edition builds on from previous versions that have been nationally available since 2005. Some content has pulled through all versions, and this edition brings in new material and a new structure to reflect contemporary CYP cancer nursing practice recognising the value of the whole workforce from student, HCA and nursing associates through to consultant levels of practice.

The framework is intended for use by nurses who provide care to children and young people (CYP) with cancer, or cancer-like disease, in paediatric services, or services that are unbound by age which may encounter CYP with cancer. It includes CYP cancer nursing in multiple settings including principal treatment centres, shared care units, community care and generalist settings such as emergency departments and wards where CYP with cancer may occasionally be located for surgery or to manage oncology capacity overflow (outliers).

The working party worked collaboratively with other subject matter experts such as those working in research and clinical trials, late effects, palliative and end-of-life care, and academia to complete this review. The framework dovetails with a similar document for adult cancer services, and other bolt-on frameworks for supra-specialist CYP cancer nurses.

The document is endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing, CCLG, Young Lives vs Cancer and the European Oncology Nursing Society. RCN Endorsement lasts for one year and requires annual confirmation that the resource remains relevant, is up-to-date and does not require a new edition. The current endorsement period runs to 8th August 2025.

The resource is intended to reflect practice across the UK and may also be a useful benchmarking tool for other countries. For more information or to provide feedback please email (F.A.O. CCLG Chief Nurse). CCLG members can also feedback in CCLG Connect, and join the Framework chat feed to share questions, feedback and discussion.

Services using the framework should use Version 3.0 from September 2022 onwards and remove any previous editions in circulation. Services and education providers are encouraged to adopt and use this national framework to assist consistency of good practice across the UK and to support good patient and family experience.

The Framework

Download your copy of the framework to personalise.

The document offers ‘form-fill’ capability for you to record your progress.

Download the framework

Launch video

Watch members of the working party discussing the Framework and how to use it, as part of the launch support materials.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

This two-page guide offers answers to some of the common questions.

Read the FAQs

Additional Work-Based Record Sheets (WBRS)

When you change jobs or get promotion we know you’ll need new record sheets, you can download extra copies here.

Topic 1 WBRS: Communication 
Topic 2 WBRS: CYP cancer health
Topic 3 WBRS: Diagnosis staging
Topic 4 WBRS: Support during and beyond treatment
Topic 5 WBRS: Research and clinical Trials
Topic 6 WBRS: Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies (SACT)
Topic 7 WBRS: Acute side effects and oncological emergencies
Topic 8 WBRS: Palliative and end of life care
Topic 9 WBRS: Late effects
Topic 10 WBRS: Leadership and management