V 8.0 2022
We are delighted to introduce this Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) Passport for Children and Young People cancer services. This work represents a collaboration between the CCLG CYP Oncology Nurse Educators group (CYPONE) and the United Kingdom Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS).
UKONS produced the first SACT Passport for adult cancer services in 2017 to standardise training and practice, and to enable nurses to transfer their theory training across trusts if they moved jobs (hence the passport theme). The CYPONE Group worked with UKONS to adapt the adult passport to reflect the types of SACT agents used for treating children and SACT practice in children’s cancer services across the UK.
Earlier draft versions of the Passport, for children’s services, were piloted around UK Principal Treatment Centres (PTC) and Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Units (POSCU) and revised in an iterative approach with feedback from experts in the field. This V8.0 represents the first published version following sign-off by CCLG and UKONS SACT Group for UK wide use. It will continue to be subject to scheduled reviews and updated in line with user feedback and the constant evolution of children’s cancer treatments.
The passport provides a national standardization of education and assessment for the fundamental skills and knowledge required to safely handle and administer SACT. It is designed for practitioners handling and administering SACT and treating children and young people within PTCs, POSCUs, and community services.
After completing this work-based education and assessment passport practitioners will complete the competency assessment in the Career and Education Framework for CYP Cancer Nurses: Section 6 SACT and continue to develop their practice. The process may also include Trust accreditation relating to SACT principals in line with local policy, and entry to the Trust SACT administration register.
Practitioners must annually update their SACT practice and the passport includes guidance on this process.
In England, the Operational Delivery Networks are tasked (under the Service Specifications) with agreeing the network education and training plans for workforce development. This will include the ODN agreed approach to SACT training. Our interpretation of the guidance is that, if the ODN approves the SACT Passport as the method of training, then Trusts in the ODN should adopt it through their governance systems. We also recommend that the SACT Passport “Answer Guide” is listed as an ODN controlled document and is only released to Nurse Educators at the PTC, and named senior nurses who are approved to assess SACT in the POSCUs. The “Answer Guide” can be obtained by ODNs via CCLG CYP Oncology Nurse Educators (CYPONE) group members or on application to info@cclg.org.uk F.A.O. CYPONE Chair.
The passport will work most effectively if all UK CYP cancer PTCs and POSCUs adopt it for their SACT training programmes to facilitate standardisation and ease of transfer of skills without repetition and duplication of resources. It is noted that in England the commissioning service specification names CCLG as the provider of guidelines for CYP cancer.
All earlier pilot versions of the Passport should be removed from local circulation, however, staff who have completed a pilot version do not need to repeat their training on the published V8.0 but should review updated sections and the Framework Section 6 SACT competencies, during their next annual review.
Download your personal copy of the SACT Passport
Download the SACT passport (Editable PDF)
Additional resources for download
Marking sheet - PRINTABLE (PDF)
Appendix 2 Certificate and clinical assessment sheets - PRINTABLE (PDF)