Career and Education Framework for specialist nurses

Career and Education Framework for specialist nurses working in the field of long-term follow-up and late effects for children and young people after cancer: V2.0

The Children’s After Cure Nurses (CANUK) group are pleased to announce the updated career and education framework and competencies V2.0. This updated career and education framework is intended for use by nurses employed in long-term follow-up (LTFU) roles for children, young people and adults after treatment for cancer during childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. 

Late effects (LE) services are provided across the developmental range including childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. This framework encompasses supra-specialist late effects nursing competencies which build on from other more generic career and education frameworks for cancer nurses.

You can find the core cancer nursing frameworks which underpin this supra-specialised LTFU and LE nursing resource here:

Nurses working in the specialist area of LTFU for survivors of childhood and young adult cancer, may be based in children’s services, teenage and young adult (TYA) services, or adult cancer services. LTFU nurses’ core cancer nursing competencies therefore derive from their background nursing career; children, TYA or adult field of practice. The framework aims to support nurses to develop a career in LTFU nursing guided by competencies linked to levels of nursing practice. This V2.0 covers LTFU nursing at the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of practice. Competencies aimed at other levels of nursing relating to cancer LE and LTFU can be found in the core competency frameworks linked above.

This updated resource replaces the original version developed by the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) developed between 2008 -2011, children and young people workstream, led by Prof. Diana Greenfield and Clare Warnock. The original work was funded by the Department of Health in partnership with NHS improvement and Macmillan Cancer Support. That initiative was designed to test, develop, and recommend the provision of appropriate aftercare to each and every cancer patient 'living with and beyond cancer' to meet their individual holistic needs. Many of the original working party were CANUK members, and since the NCSI is no longer an active programme, the current CANUK group have led the review and development of Version 2 of the framework. We would like to acknowledge and thank the original authors for the strong foundation of this work.  

This Version 2 brings LTFU nursing practice up to date and expands some of the competencies for the current era of cancer late effects nursing. The style and structure of the framework has been revised to be consistent with the UK Aspirant Cancer Careers Education and Development (ACCEnD) programme approach. 

The document is endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing, CCLG, TYAC, Young Lives vs Cancer and the European Oncology Nursing Society. It is intended to reflect practice across the UK and may also be a useful benchmarking tool for other countries.

For more Information or to provide feedback please email (F.A.O. CANUK Chair)

The LTFU and LE Framework

Download your copy of the framework to personalise.

The document offers ‘form-fill’ capability for you to record your progress.

Download the Framework (PDF)