Physical activity in teenagers and young adults with cancer

Physical activity and exercise is an important aspect of routine TYA cancer care. All TYAs should be given information on the importance of physical activity, the benefits to them, what is reasonable for them to achieve given their diagnosis and treatment plan and advice on how to engage in physical activity.

This should be delivered by individuals with the appropriate skills and knowledge to tailor their advice around the complex physical deficits and specific considerations that TYAs with cancer encounter.

The aim of this document is to raise awareness amongst TYAC professionals of the importance of physical activity in teenagers and young adults (TYA) with cancer, and the need to provide advice and guidance regarding this. This document is not intended to provide prescriptive advice for individual centres or individual TYA cases, but rather to promote physical activity as an aspect of TYA cancer care that needs inclusion in service delivery. Possible ways that this could be achieved are included at the end of the document.

Physical activity in teenagers and young adults with cancer

Published December 2015