More information about each hospital
Westburn Road, Aberdeen AB25 2ZG
Telephone: 0345 456 6000
Ward name: 114
50 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh bio Quarter, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ
Telephone: 0131 312 1334
Ward name: Lochranza Ward
Our haematology and oncology service looks after children and young people with cancer, other lumps and problems with their blood. This includes conditions like leukaemia, brain tumours, bone cancers, kidney cancers as well as some rare diseases. We also look after children and young people with haemophilia, sickle cell disease and other conditions affecting their blood.
We look after families from all over south-east Scotland and sometimes even further away. You may be seen on Lochranza ward, in our Day Care Unit or at an outpatient clinic.
1345 Govan Road, Govan G51 4TF
Telephone: 0141 452 4450
Ward name: Ward 2A/2B Schiehallion
The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow is the largest paediatric care centre in Scotland.
The haematology and oncology department cares for children and young people with cancer from all over the West of Scotland. The service is based on Schiehallion Ward and includes an inpatient ward with social areas for both children and young people, as well as a day care unit. The department also has a stem cell transplant unit.
Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle NE1 4LP
Telephone: 0191 282 0265
Ward name: Ward 14 (children) / Ward 4 (teenage 13 - 18 years)
The children’s haematology and oncology service at the Great north Children’s Hospital cares for children and young people who have cancer, leukaemia and other related diseases.
The service covers all of the Northern region, from Teesside to Newcastle, and Northumberland to Cumbria.The facilities at the Great North Children’s Hospital are located in the New Victoria Wing of The Royal Victoria Infirmary. Ward 14 includes outpatient and day care facilities and Ward 4 is a teenage cancer unit.
The team of experts includes consultants, doctors, nurses, play specialists, psychology experts, physiotherapy experts and nutrition experts. The service works closely with hospitals across the region to enable patients to have some of their care and treatment closer to home.
A Floor, Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary, Clarendon Way, Leeds LS2 9DE
Telephone: 0113 3928191
Ward name: L31/L32/L33
The children’s and adolescents oncology and haematology unit at Leeds is based in the Clarendon Wing of Leeds General Infirmary. Children and teenagers and their families are looked after in high quality, age-appropriate, dedicated facilities. The unit is made up of 3 inpatient wards; L31 is the main ward for children, whilst L33 is for teenagers. L32 is a small ward that looks after both children and teenagers, and specialises in bone marrow transplants. All three wards work closely together; they have the same senior nursing and medical team responsible for treatment and care. A busy day care service, alongside a bustling out-patient clinic is also situated close to our wards
Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TH
Telephone: 0114 271 7322
Ward name: Ward 6
Sheffield Children’s Hospital is the Principal Treatment Centre for children with cancer and leukaemia within South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and North Derbyshire.
We have a 14 bed inpatient unit on Ward 6 which has six isolation cubicles, mainly used for children who require protective isolation, for example following bone marrow transplantation.
There are also four day-case beds allowing children to receive day case treatment on the ward.
Outpatient clinics are held in the Haematology & Oncology Centre in which is on C Floor, accessed via the Damer Street entrance.
We work closely with the Radiotherapy team and Teenage and Young Adult cancer unit at Weston Park Hospital.
Queen's Medical Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham, NG7 2UH
Telephone: 0115 924 9924
Ward name: E39
Nottingham Children's Hospital is part of the East Midlands Children's and Young Person's Integrated Cancer Service (CYPICS) with Leicester Children’s Hospital
The service cares for patients aged 0-18 years from all the counties in the East Midlands and manages 125-150 new cancer and leukaemia patients per year. The service is supported by shared care units in Northampton and Lincolnshire and works closely with other district general hospitals and community teams throughout the East Midlands.
Leicester Royal Infirmary, Infirmary Square, Leicester, LE1 5WW
Telephone: 0116 2047801
Ward name: Ward 27
Leicester Children's Hospital is part of the East Midlands Children's and Young Person's Integrated Cancer Service (CYPICS) with Nottingham Children’s Hospital
The service cares for patients aged 0-18 years from all the counties in the East Midlands and manages 125-150 new cancer and leukaemia patients per year. The service is supported by shared care units in Northampton and Lincolnshire and works closely with other district general hospital and community teams throughout the East Midlands.
Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ
Telephone: 01223 217231
Ward name: Ward C2 and C9
The paediatric haematology and oncology team at Addenbrookes deliver high quality patient care for children across the East of England who have cancer and blood disorders. The team includes consultants, specialist nurses, the research team, allied healthcare professionals (physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, audiologists), teachers, Young Lives vs Cancer social workers, counsellors and admin staff.
Brainbow, is a pioneering rehabilitation service in the East of England for children with brain tumours and is based at Addenbrooke’s. The service offers co-ordinated specialist neuro-rehabilitation including physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, clinical psychology and education.
Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH
Telephone: 020 7829 8810/8821/8831
Ward name: Lion, Elephant and Giraffe wards. Safari Ward (Day Care)
The haematology and oncology department at Great Ormond Street Hospital operates as a unified cancer centre with University College Hospital London (UCLH)
The service treats approximately 450 patients each year from London and the South East of England.
Children are cared for by a large multi-disciplinary team including clinical nurse specialists, haematology and oncology consultants, physiotherapists, pharmacists, healthcare assistants, play specialists and housekeeping staff.
There are three wards; Lion Ward which has 11 beds and Elephant Ward which has 13 beds and Giraffe Ward.
Safari Day Care has 16 beds and 3 treatment rooms for patients who are having short treatments or clinic appointments.
235 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BU
Telephone: 020 3447 9950/1837
Ward name: T12 North (13 – 19 year olds) /T13 North (20 – 24 year olds)
University College London Hospital (UCLH) operates as a unified cancer centre with Great Ormond Street. UCLH cares for a large number of children and young people with cancer and blood disorders from a wide area.
Young people who require inpatient treatment are looked after on two wards located in the main hospital building (the Tower). T12 North is for 19 – 19 year olds and T13 North is for 20 – 24 year olds.
Young people are cared for by a team of healthcare professionals including experts in different areas of medicine, such as doctors, nurses and physiotherapists, dietitians, occupational therapists, teachers and the psych-oncology team.
The ‘University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre’ has a dedicated floor specifically designed for young people with cancer aged from 13 to 24 years. This unit consists of an outpatient area, day care and ambulatory care. It has a large recreational area, known as the hub.
Downs Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT
Telephone: 020 8642 6011
Ward name: Oak Centre
The children and young people's unit at The Royal Marsden treats all types of cancer, in children and young people aged 1–24 years from across the South Thames area (South East and South West London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire borders)
This is done in The Royal Marsden's 31-bed Oak Centre for Children and Young People, one of the largest children and young people’s cancer centres in Europe. The centre includes the McElwain Ward, which has 18 beds for children having inpatient treatment, a Teenage Cancer Trust unit with 13 beds for patients aged 16 – 24 and an outpatient and day care unit with 22 beds.
The service is provided by a team of paediatric, clinical and medical oncologists, specialist cancer nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, physiotherapists, psychologists, play specialists and social workers. The team works closely facilities and community services across the region to enable patients to have some treatment and care closer to home where possible.
Tremona Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 6YD
Telephone: 023 8120 4249
Ward name: Piam Brown Unit
The Piam Brown unit is the regional paediatric oncology and haematology centre for the Wessex region. The unit is based within the child health directorate on the top floor of Southampton General Hospital.
We care for children from birth to 16 years of age with all types of cancer. Our aim is to care and support the child and the whole family.
The unit includes an inpatient ward, a day care are and outpatient area. We have a well established shared cared system with other local hospitals across the region, enabling families to receive some treatment closer to home.
Paul O'Gorman Building, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8BJ
Telephone: 0117 342 8334/8151
Ward name: Ward 34
The paediatric haematology/oncology service at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC) serves the entire South West region. It is supported by an extensive shared care network to deliver treatment and follow-up close to home where possible. The team comprises consultants, junior doctors, clinical nurse specialists, advanced nurse practitioners, ward nurses, outreach nurses, dietitians, psychologists, pharmacists, physiotherapists and MDT coordinators.
Depending on each patient’s specific needs, they may receive treatment on one of a number of dedicated facilities. The main inpatient ward for children is Starlight Ward, while adolescents are treated on Apollo 35 ward. Both are located on level 7 of the children’s hospital. Alongside the wards, Ocean unit offers outpatient and day-care services and is situated on level 6.
An interactive website is available for children 8-12 years old who may be coming into the hospital:
Paediatric Oncology, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XW
Telephone: 029 2074 8805
Ward name: Space Ward (Outpatients), Sky Ward (Inpatients & Day Care)
The paediatric haematology and oncology service at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital cares for children and young people with cancer from the whole of Wales south of Aberystwyth.. Sky Ward for those having treatment in hospital, has 16 beds. and provide up-to-date, evidence-based practice to ensure best possible care for children and young people in a safe and caring environment, aged from birth to 20 years of age.
The unit works closely with shared care facilities across the region to enable patients to have some of their care and treatment closer to home.
The team includes nurses (on the unit and in the community), doctors, office staff, social workers, play specialists, psychologists, a dietician, a physiotherapist and a pharmacist.
Level 0, Children's Hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU
Telephone: 01865 234061/234068
Ward name: Kamran’s Ward
The Oxford University Hospitals Children’s oncology and haematology service cares for infants, children and young adults with cancer and other non-malignant blood conditions up to the age of 19. The service has close established links with a number of hospitals across the Thames Valley, allowing patients to have support and some treatment closer to home.
The team comprises consultants, junior doctors, clinical nurse specialists, advanced nurse practitioners, ward nurses, outreach nurses, dietitians, psychologists, pharmacists, physiotherapists and MDT coordinators. Kamran's Ward has nine beds, including five isolation rooms, as well as a day-care area.
Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham, B4 6NH
Telephone: 0121 333 9282
Ward name: Waterfall House, Ward 18/19
The oncology and haematology department has both inpatient and outpatient areas including a dedicated Teenage Cancer Trust unit. It is one of the largest Children’s Cancer Centres in the UK and sees over 260 new patients every year. It is the main treatment centre for the West Midlands area.
The paediatric oncology and haematology department is led by a team of consultants. Together they are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of children with all types of solid or brain cancers, and work closely with colleagues in haematology who care for children with cancers of the blood (leukaemias) and blood disorders. The consultants are nationally and internationally recognised as leaders in the treatment and research of children’s cancer. The team also includes specialist nurses, allied health professionals specialist nurses, allies health professionals (physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, audiologists), teachers, social workers, counsellors and clerical staff. Birmingham Children’s Hospital has a specialist stem cell transplant unit (Ward 19) and is one of only two centres in the UK caring for children with eye cancer (retinoblastoma).
Prescot Road, Liverpool, L14 5AB
Telephone: 0151 252 5804
Ward name: 3B
The paediatric oncology and haematology team at Alder Hey care for more than 120 children and young people with cancer, every year.
The unit consists of a clinic and day care department, inpatient area and teenage unit. There are also two stem cell transplant suites.
The unit has a huge catchment area for patients from Merseyside and the North West to the Isle of Man, North Wales, and up as far as parts of Lancashire and Cheshire.
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL
Telephone: 0161 701 8400 / 0161 7018620
Ward name: Ward 86 (inpatient) and Ward 84 (outpatient)
The paediatric haematology and oncology unit at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital provides specialist healthcare services for children and young people throughout the North West The unit sees around 120 new patients a year. Royal Manchester Children's Hospital also has close links with The Christie who provide photon and proton beam therapy.
The unit cares for children and young people having inpatient treatment on ward 86 which is located on the 3rd floor of the children’s hospital. It has 32 beds with 16 side rooms. There are also teenage and young adult facilities and a dedicated youth worker. Day-care and outpatients are looked after on ward 84 which is located on the 2nd floor, when children and young people attend for various planned treatment and clinic appointments.
The department also has a bone marrow transplant, stem cell and gene therapy unit.
Cooley Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 N512
Telephone: 01 4096 660
Ward name: St John's Ward
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin is Ireland’s biggest paediatric hospital and the national centre for children’s cancers and blood disorders.. The hospital has a 19-bed inpatient unit called St John’s Ward along with four stem cell transplant beds. As well as St John’s Ward, there is the Haematology/Oncology Day Unit (HODU), which provides day care services.
The hospital has direct links with other hospitals to provide other specific services your child may need.
It also has links with hospitals around the country through its shared care programme. Often some of your child’s treatment can be given at a designated shared care centre in your local area. This set-up can help you and your family spend as much time as possible safely close to home.
World-class research is carried out at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital. It teams up with the major international paediatric oncology groups. This makes it possible for the most modern treatment to be available, often through clinical trials.
274 Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BA
Telephone: 02890 633631
The Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children is the only hospital in Northern Ireland dedicated specifically to the care of children. The children’s cancer unit at the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children has eight beds in individual rooms.
The team includes consultants, doctors, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, pharmacists, physiotherapists and play specialists.