Shared care centres

The Paediatric Oncology Shared Care services allows children and young people with cancer to be treated closer to home so that families do not need to travel long distances to the nearest principal treatment centre for some procedures.

Each shared care centre will be allied to a main treatment centre based on a number of factors including geographical location.

There are three levels of shared care services and your local hospital(s) may be assigned to one of these levels:

Level 1 - if your child is unwell during treatment (for example, high temperature, needs help and advice for general health issues/problems, having blood tests) then your child can be seen at a Level 1 hospital. There are no specialist cancer services at this level.

Level 2 - this level offers the same as above but can also give chemotherapy as a daycare patient.

Level 3 - this level offers the same as Level 2 but can also do 24-hour chemotherapy where your child can stay overnight if needed. The hospital may also be able to offer more ways of giving chemotherapy so that regular travel to the main treatment centre may not be needed.