Early menopause
The Daisy Network
A support group for women who have had an early menopause. The website gives information about premature menopause and related issues. Paying members have access to extra support, information and online forums.
Fertility treatments
Donor Conception Network
The largest UK network of parents with children conceived through donated sperm or eggs. Supports people thinking about or having treatment. Provides useful publications for people considering using donated sperm of eggs, and a range of children's story books for children conceived in this way.
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)
Regulates licensed assisted conception treatment and research in the IK. Provides free patient information on licensed UK units with success rates for live births, how to choose a clinic and a range of useful leaflets and information on their website
Counselling and emotional support
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Promotes awareness of counselling and signposts people to appropriate services. You can search for a qualified counsellor using the online therapist directory.
British Infertility Counselling Association
Charity dedicated to providing the highest standard of counselling and support to people affected by infertility. You can use the website to find a counsellor in your area.
Fertility Network UK
Provides information, support, telephone counselling and helpful contacts for people with fertility difficulties.
LGBT-specific support
LGBT Foundation
Charity offering services, resources and support to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Has a helpline and email advice service.
Pink Parents
Website has information about gay and lesbian parenting issues, and same-sex adoption in the UK
Campaigns for equality for people from the LGBTQ+ community. Has a section on parenting on its website.
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline
Charity providing support on the phone and through email and instant messaging services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities.
Adoption and fostering
Adoption UK
Run by adopters, for adopters or people considering adoption. Offers information, support and advice, including basic legal advice by email. Has free books and videos on adoption and a network of adoptive families who support each other.
CoramBAAF Adoption and Fostering Academy
Website gives comprehensive information on adoption and details of all UK adoption agencies. Also produces books and leaflets for prospective foster carers and adoptive parents, birth families and children.
Brilliant Beginnings
A UK agency that provides help and support to anyone interested in surrogacy.
Surrogacy UK
Voluntary organisation that provides information and support to anyone interested in surrogacy.
Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy (COTS)
Gives information, advice and support to current and potential surrogate mothers and people hoping to be parents. A group called Triangle provides a contact service between surrogates and intended parents