
Our publications are free and available as digital downloads or as physical booklets and factsheets.

Finishing treatment - a parent's guide

For many parents, reaching the end of treatment can bring mixed emotions. This is the moment you have waited for since hearing the diagnosis. This guide contains information on what happens when your child finishes treatment and explains what to expect in follow-up care.

Front cover for factsheet - Graft vs host disease

Graft vs host disease (GvHD)

Information for young people with cancer, and parents of a child or young person with cancer, having a donor (allogeneic) stem cell transplant.

Front cover for booklet - Handling animals and pets

Handling animals and pets

Information for parents and carers of children and young people undergoing treatment for cancer. This booklet provides a few simple safe guidelines on reducing the risk of your child catching an infection from an animal. It is important to follow these guidelines at all times.

Front cover for booklet - helping your child to eat well during cancer treatment

Helping your child to eat well during cancer treatment

A practical information guide for parents and families of a child or young person with cancer. Most children with cancer will experience problems with eating and drinking at some stage. This can be due to the cancer itself, treatment or medication.

Front cover for booklet - I have finished cancer treatment

I have finished cancer treatment

What happens next? An information guide for older children and teenagers on follow-up care and re-adjusting to life after finishing cancer treatment. We hope this booklet will answer some of these questions and help you to re-adjust to everyday life again.

Front cover for factsheet - Oral imatinib for children and young people


Imatinib is a targeted therapy, a cancer growth inhibitor, used to treat certain types of cancer. This factsheet provides information on the use of imatinib in children and young people with cancer.

Front cover for children's storybook - Jess's bone marrow donation

Jess's bone marrow donation

A children's guide to bone marrow donation. A colourful illustrated story book for young children preparing for a bone marrow donation. It follows the story of Jess, who is donating her bone marrow to help her brother, Ben.

Front cover for booklet - Keeping your child active during and after treatment

Keeping your child active during and after treatment

A parent’s guide to physical activity, sport and exercise for children and young people with cancer. It gives practical advice that may help when thinking about activity levels both during and after treatment. Although written principally for parents, this booklet will also be useful for other carers or family members, teachers and those involved in sports clubs, as well as for the children and young people themselves.