Front cover for booklet - Keeping your child active during and after treatment

Keeping your child active during and after treatment

Published: Sep 2022

Next review: Sep 2025


A parent’s guide to physical activity, sport and exercise for children and young people with cancer. It gives practical advice that may help when thinking about activity levels both during and after treatment. It also covers some of the concerns we know arise, and will hopefully provide some answers to the many questions you may have. 

Although written principally for parents, this booklet will also be useful for other carers or family members, teachers and those involved in sports clubs, as well as for the children and young people themselves.

Category Winner of BMA Patient Information Award
Category Winner of Association of Social Care Communicators (ASCC) Awards

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How this resource was made

With thanks to Debbi Rowley, Advanced Physiotherapist (Sheffield Children’s Hospital), Hayley Arthur, Paediatric Physiotherapist (Bristol Royal Hospital for Children), Jane Guest, Advanced Physiotherapist (Birmingham Children’s Hospital), Elise Thompson, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Lisa Mills, Paediatric Occupational Therapist (Bristol Royal Hospital for Children) and Mike Grisenthwaite, CFC – Helping kids with cancer, who reviewed this publication on behalf of the CCLG Information Advisory Group, comprising parents, survivors and multi-professional experts in the field of children’s cancer.

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