Text CCLG to 70085 to donate £3
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message.
You can also text CCLG 5 to 70085 to donate £5 or CCLG 10 to 70085 to donate £10.
Other text donation numbers
Donate to a Special Named Fund
Text CCLGANGUS to 70085 to donate £5 to Angus's Door
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGARABELLA to 70085 to donate £5 to Arabella's Leukaemia (ALL) Research Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGANNIKA to 70085 to donate £5 to Annika's Challenge
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGARIANA to 70085 to donate £5 to Ariana's Rainbow Friends
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGARIANA to 70450 to donate £5 to Ariana Smiles
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGAYLA to 70085 to donate £5 to Ayla's Fundraising Adventure
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGBAILEY to 70085 to donate £5 to Bailey's Little Star Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGMAISIE to 70085 to donate £5 to #BeMoreMaisie
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGBEN to 70450 to donate £5 to Ben Pavitt's Legacy of Love Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGBETHANY to 70085 to donate £5 to Bethany's Wish
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGCIARA to 70085 to donate £5 to Captain Ciara Killing Cancer
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGCAREY to 70085 to donate £5 to Carey's Friends
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGCOHEN to 70085 to donate £5 to Cohen's Fight
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGDANIEL to 70085 to donate £5 to Daniel's Rainbow Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGDANNY to 70085 to donate £5 to Danny's Dandelion Appeal
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGDAVID to 70085 to donate £5 to David Juckes' Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGDENVER to 70085 to donate £5 to Denver's Superhero Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGEDEN to 70085 to donate £5 to Eden's Fierce Fight
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGELLIOTT to 70085 to donate £5 to Elliott's Army
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGELLIOTT to 70450 to donate £5 to Elliot's Warrior Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGELODIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Elodie's Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGEMILY to 70085 to donate £5 to The Emily Bailes Fund / #18forEmily Appeal
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGETHAN to 70085 to donate £5 to Ethan's Journey of Smiles
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGEVIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Evie's Special Bow
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGFAITH to 70085 to donate £5 to Faith's Future
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGFFION to 70085 to donate £5 to Ffion's Fight
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGFINLAY to 70085 to donate £5 to Finlay's Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGFRED to 70085 to donate £5 to Fred Bennett's 'Don't Look Down' Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGFREDDIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Freddie's Fight
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHUEY to 70085 to donate £5 to #GoTeamHuey
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHALLIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Hallie's Helping Hands
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHARLEY to 70085 to donate £5 to The Harley James Reynolds Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHARRIS to 70085 to donate £5 to Harris the Hero
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHARRY to 70085 to donate £5 to Harry’s Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHATTIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Hattie's Rainbow of Hope Appeal
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHAYLEY to 70085 to donate £5 to The Hayley Bendall Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHENRY to 70085 to donate £5 to The Henry Gloag Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHOLLIE to 70085 to donate £5 to The Hollie Taylor Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGIEUAN to 70085 to donate £5 to Ieuan Evans Memorial Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGISABELLAH to 70085 to donate £5 to Mighty Isabellah's Journey
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGISOBEL to 70085 to donate £5 to The Isobel Parmenter Memorial Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJACK to 70085 to donate £5 to Jack's Journey
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJACOB to 70085 to donate £5 to Jacob's Join
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJAYDEN to 70085 to donate £5 to #TeamJayden
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJENNI to 70085 to donate £5 to The Jenni Clarke Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJOEL to 70085 to donate £5 to the Joel Prince Starlight Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJOEY to 70085 to donate £5 to Joey's Journey
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJOHN to 70085 to donate £5 to John's Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJOSH to 70085 to donate £5 to Josh's Gold Star Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJUDE to 70085 to donate £5 to Team Jude
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGKAYLA to 70085 to donate £5 to Kayla's Rainbow Appeal
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGCHARLIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Kicking Cancer for Charlie
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGKIERAN to 70085 to donate £5 to Kieran Maxwell Legacy
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGLILA to 70085 to donate £5 to Lila's Pink Bunny Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGLILY to 70085 to donate £5 to Lily's Sarcoma Appeal
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGADELINE to 70085 to donate £5 to Little Lady A
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHEROES to 70085 to donate £5 to Little Heroes Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGNIAMH to 70085 to donate £5 to Little Miss Niamhie B
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGLOIS to 70085 to donate £5 to Lois' Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGLOUIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Louie's Research Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGMATTY to 70085 to donate £5 to Matty's To The Moon and Back Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGMAX to 70085 to donate £5 to #Team Max ALL Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGOLLIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Ollie's Star
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGOURBOY to 70085 to donate £5 to Our B.O.Y.'s Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHUGO to 70085 to donate £5 to Our Buoy Hugo's Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGBEN to 70085 to donate £5 to Pass The Smile for Ben
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGPEARL to 70085 to donate £5 to #PearlPower
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
ext CCLGRACHEL to 70085 to donate £5 to Rachel's Rainbow Dashers
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGREUBEN to 70085 to donate £5 to Reuben's ROAR
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGRILEY to 70450 to donate £5 to Raise With Riley
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGRILEY to 70085 to donate £5 to The Riley Cameron Forget Me Not Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGROSIE to 70085 to donate £5 to Rosie Rocks The World
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGRUBY to 70085 to donate £5 to Ruby's 'Live Kindly, Live Loudly' Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSAM to 70450 to donate £5 to A Goal for Sam
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSAMUEL to 70085 to donate £5 to Samuel's Promise
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSIENNA to 70085 to donate £5 to The Sienna Teresa Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSOFIA to 70450 to donate £5 to Stand with Sofia
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSKY to 70085 to donate £5 to the Sky David Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGHARRISON to 70085 to donate £5 to Super Hal Hal Fights ALL
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGRUARI to 70085 to donate £5 to Super Ru
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGRUBY to 70450 to donate £5 to Super Ruby's Rhabdo Raiser
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSAUL to 70085 to donate £5 to Super Saul Squad
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGSOFIA to 70085 to donate £5 to Super Sofia
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGJAKE to 70085 to donate £5 to Team Jake / The Jake Ellis Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGKAI to 70085 to donate £5 to #teamkai
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGKIERAN to 70085 to donate £5 to Team Kieran's Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGNIMMY to 70085 to donate £5 to #TeamNimmy
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGRORY to 70085 to donate £5 to Team Rory
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGTHOMAS to 70085 to donate £5 to Thomas Fight TALL
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGTHOMAS to 70450 to donate £5 to Thomas' Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Text CCLGTOTI to 70085 to donate £5 to the Toti Worboys Fund
CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.
Donate for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Text GOLD to 70085 to donate £3
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message.
You can also text GOLD 5 to 70085 to donate £5 or GOLD 10 to 70085 to donate £10.
Terms and conditions for all of our text donation services
About text donation
Text donation is an easy and simple way to donate. If a service is advertised as a text donation service then the money is taken from your mobile phone account or pre-pay balance and paid to us by your network.
If you make a text donation CCLG (registered charity number 1182637) will receive 100% of your donation. You may be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate. Always get the bill payers permission.
If you have responded to a campaign such as a regular giving service or you have asked for information about an event we will contact you as required to provide that service. We’d like to also contact you with news and information about other campaigns, but if you'd rather we did not contact you about other future campaigns then include the words NO INFO at the end of your message e.g. CCLG NO INFO.
If you contact us by text and subsequently wish to change your mind about future contact, please reply NO INFO to any future text from us.
If you access the Internet from a mobile phone you may incur data charges. Please ensure that the connection you use is secure and take reasonable security precautions when clicking any URL or filling in any mobile web form that we might send to you.
We use a company called Vir2 to provide a text helpline for dealing with any issues related to text donation services. Call 0330 660 0425. Please do not use this number for contacting the charity – it is purely for any issues that you may have about our text donation services.