Magazine articles list

The GRANS trial: Pioneering a novel treatment

Prof Robert Wynn, Consultant Paediatric Haematologist and Director of Bone Marrow Transplant at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, leads the GRANS clinical trial. He tells us how this innovative treatment is showing promising results for children with hard-to-treat leukaemia.

Molecular radiotherapy for children’s cancers

Molecular radiotherapy (MRT) is an evolving form of children’s cancer treatment. Dr Mark Gaze, Caroline Elmagrahi and Georgia Azzopardi, of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, tell us more about what it is and what work is being done to develop its usage.

Harnessing artificial intelligence to identify new drug combinations

Artificial intelligence (AI) has helped scientists propose a promising new drug combination for DIPG brain tumours. Prof Chris Jones, Director of the Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), and Dr Fernando Carceller, Paediatric Neuro-Oncology Consultant at The Royal Marsden Hospital, tell us more.

How is ambulatory care improving young people’s experiences of treatment?

Dr Alison Finch is a nurse and researcher from University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH). She explains how ambulatory care is positively impacting young people’s experiences of treatment and how a CCLG Special Interest Group has been formed to develop this care nationally.

New online resource supporting children and their families

Charley Scott’s daughter was diagnosed with cancer as a two-year-old. She tells us about an accessible new information resource that she and her husband Jon have created to help other children and families, influenced by their own experiences.