Kate Beddow uses types of complementary therapies such as Reiki and journalling to help the wellbeing of families affected by childhood cancer. Here, she tells us more.
What is Reiki?
Energy healing has grown in popularity over the last 20 years and is now offered in some cancer centres or by cancer charities. Perhaps the most common form of energy healing is Reiki, which originated in Japan in the 1920s. It’s a gentle therapy which involves the Reiki practitioner either hovering their hands over the body, or gently placing their hands in key positions. Reiki practitioners believe this increases the flow of energy around the body, to allow it to heal itself more efficiently.
Why I use Reiki:
- It's gentle
- You don't need any equipment (as long as you have your hand, you can help someone)
- Anyone can learn Reiki
- Where medicines aim to heal the physical body, Reiki aims to work in a holistic way supporting emotional issues and wellbeing
All of these benefits are particularly relevant when you support a child through cancer treatment. An example of a way Reiki may help is if they are anxious and can’t sleep, Reiki could help calm them down.
I have worked with the Childhood Cancer Parents Alliance (CCPA) for many years, providing everything from talks at conferences and Reiki sessions at pamper days, to online mindfulness and support for parents with their wellbeing. Most recently, I’ve been running online journalling sessions for CCPA. Journalling is a wonderful way to process the events we’re experiencing, and when we write something down, we are able to release it from our minds.
As well as a way of improving emotional health through processing our experiences, some research studies suggest that when people write about upsetting experiences, for as little as five minutes a day, it may boost their immune system and may even heal wounds more quickly. The advantage of writing therapy is that, again, there is no specialist equipment needed. You can sit in bed with a notebook and scribble away and the effects can be profound.
There are so many ways that we can support our physical and mental health, and energy healing and journalling are two of them. As someone who is passionate about them both, I cannot recommend them to you enough and hope that they can help you.
Find out more information here
Or email kate@katebeddow.co.uk
From Contact magazine issue 95 - Summer 2022