How your money is spent
When you make a donation to or raise funds to a CCLG Research Fund, 100% of your donation will fund research into whatever the fund supports. Our parent charity, Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG), absorbs the costs associated with your donation (eg credit card transaction fees), so if you donate £10, £10 is spent on research. If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid, and you donate £10, we'll receive an additional £2.50 from the tax man, so £12.50 is spent on research.
What research do we fund?
Our Research Funds are part of our exciting plans to fund and support pioneering research into cancers affecting children, teenagers and young adults.
We fund projects in the UK that will:
- Broaden and deepen knowledge of how childhood cancer starts and grows
- Help transfer research progress seen in the lab straight to a clinical setting to that new treatments can reach patients more quickly
- Improve treatment and patient care throughout the cancer journey to lessen the physical and emotional impact on patients and families
- We will also consider participating in the funding of clinical trials.
How we fund research
Funding research into childhood cancer is a key objective of CCLG.
Our unique position as both a research funder and the professional body for childhood cancers puts us in an ideal position to translate advances into clinical practice and share information among the relevant clinical and scientific communities for the benefit of patients.
Our Research Strategy outlines our exciting plans to fund and support innovative world-class research into childhood cancer and recognises the importance of collaboration, both nationally and internationally, to achieve improvements.
CCLG is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC). AMRC membership is the hallmark of quality research funding. To be accepted into membership, CCLG has demonstrated that we follow the AMRC's rigorous standards in peer review, enabling us to ensure the research we fund is of the highest quality. We have a published research strategy, and meet a number of other requirements for membership.
Once we have raised sufficient money to award a research grant, we will issue an 'open call' to the research community through our network of childhood cancer experts, describing the type of research we wish to support. Applications received will be peer reviewed by international experts in the field, to ensure they are of high quality, will advance our knowledge of the disease, and will make a real difference to children with cancer. Our expert Research Advisory Group, comprising CCLG members, then reviews the applications again, taking into account the reports of the peer reviewers. This rigorous process ensures only world-class, innovative research is supported. Once accepted, funding will be awarded and progress reviewed on a regular basis.
How can patients and families get involved?
We want to make sure that researchers are aware of the challenges that impact patients and families every day by putting patient experience at the heart of future research. If you have an idea on what you think our research should focus on, please email us at - we would love to hear from you!
Find out more about how we involve parents in our research
What research has CCLG funded in the past?
We support and manage a comprehensive research funding programme to boost research into childhood cancer.
We also work in partnership with other charities to fund research, and already have highly successful funding partnerships with charities including The Little Princess Trust and Alice's Arc.