Even better, all donations are sent directly to us, so you don't need to spend time collecting money.
We use JustGiving. It takes just a few minutes to set up your page.
Raising funds for a Special Named Fund?
Most of our Special Named Funds have their own JustGiving page. This helps us to make sure the money you raise is allocated correctly. To open your page to raise funds for a Special Named Fund, follow the link below, find the Special Named Fund you want to support, and follow the link the set up your page.
Top tips
- Email the link to your page to all your contacts. You could change your email signature to include the link so that people can click and donate as soon as they get an email from you.
- You can add a personal story, photos and updates to encourage people to give, and link directly to Facebook or Twitter to reach even more people
- If donations are eligible for Gift Aid, this will automatically be collected for us.
- Every tends to follow suit on fundraising pages and sponsor forms - so ask someone you know will be generous to be your first sponsor!