David Oxnam - Chair of Trustees
David has been managing director of his own PR, media and communications company, Clear Group, for more than 20 years.
Gayle Routledge
In 2010, Gayle lost her son Lewis to neuroblastoma. After Lewis’ death, Gayle and her family became aware of gaps in services for bereaved families. Gayle established ‘A Child of Mine’, a newly registered charity supporting bereaved parents. Gayle is also a long standing supporter of CCLG, having been an active member of the CCLG Contact Editorial Board since 2011.
I feel extremely proud to have been asked to become a trustee for CCLG. Through my own experience of having been a parent of a child with cancer, and now running my own charity, I hope to bring a balance of capabilities that will support and further the objectives of CCLG
Rachel Wilcox
Rachel is a qualified accountant who has worked in charities for the last nine years.
My current job, with UCLH Charity, brought me into contact with Dr Mark Gaze, with whom I have worked on projects to raise money for the charity and for children's cancer research within UCL Hospitals. It is this link which has given me an appreciation of the very different challenges which are posed in treating children with cancer, as opposed to adults, and so I was glad of the opportunity to support the work of CCLG.
Sarah Curtis
Sarah has worked for large technology companies including Google and Cisco, and is the parent of a childhood leukaemia survivor.