Research Discovery Day

Research Discovery Day: Creating a brighter future for children with cancer

Hosted by Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group in partnership with Candlelighters

We are excited to announce the second annual Research Discovery Day! This is an opportunity for parents, family members, survivors and the general public to meet expert children and young people's cancer researchers. 

For the first time, we are delighted to be hosting the event alongside Candlelighters, who support children with cancer across Yorkshire and fund excellent childhood cancer research. They recently established the Candlelighters Supportive Care Research Centre, an initiative that hopes to save lives, reduce suffering and bring hope.

Join us in Leeds as we learn from the expert researchers who are creating a brighter future for children and young people with cancer.

  • Go behind the scenes of cancer research with more talks than ever before
  • Discover the work of the Candlelighters Supportive Care Research Centre
  • Hear from Nicola Maxwell, mum to Kieran who was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma
  • Have a go at hands on activities to learn about the world of research
  • Ask your research questions and meet other families

This free interactive day features accessible presentations from childhood cancer experts, a buffet lunch and refreshments. Although we would love attendees there for the full day, they are welcome to attend for what suits them.

Order your free ticket

A full agenda will be sent out before the day. The event will consist of talks from researchers, and time to discuss your thoughts with them and other attendees. The day will finish at 3pm, and will apply to a range of cancer types and ages in an accessible way. If you have any questions, please email This event is for those aged 18+ only.

What to expect on the day

When: Tuesday 1st October 2024,  9:30am-15:00pm. Arrivals between 9.30am and 10.00am, and talks planned to end by 2.30pm.

Where: Great Woodhouse Suite, University House, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9JS (Google Maps).

Travel: The Orange Zone Car Park (Vernon Rd, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 3AE), is a 5 minute walk from University House.  Alternatively, the venue is a 30 minute walk from Leeds Train Station, where you can also find taxis and public transport. 

Food: There will be a morning coffee break and a buffet lunch break.

The talks:

  • Why we fundraise for childhood cancer research in memory of Kieran – Nicola Maxwell
  • What is research into supportive care? – Professor Bob Phillips
  • Bringing together and sharing research from early phase trials - why and how? – Dr Jess Morgan
  • How are antibody genes linked to leukaemia? – Dr Joan Boyes
  • How research develops new treatments for brain cancer – Professor Steven Clifford
  • How are young peoples' kidneys affected by chemotherapy? – Dr Nicola Hughes
  • Neuroblastoma: a chameleon of childhood cancers – Professor Deb Tweddle
  • How can we prioritise smart new drug combinations for advancement into clinical trials? – Professor Sue Burchill

Read the programme

About Candlelighters


Candlelighters is Yorkshire’s children's cancer charity, bringing light and hope to every family affected by childhood cancer across Yorkshire.

Each year, over 150 children in Yorkshire are diagnosed with cancer. When a child is diagnosed, lives are turned upside down instantly: not just for the child but the entire family. Getting well again can be a long and challenging journey, emotionally, physically, and financially. Supporting children and families throughout that journey is why Candlelighters was formed nearly 50 years ago.

Their mission is to bring light to every family affected by childhood cancer across Yorkshire by providing emotional, practical and financial support, as well as bringing hope, by investing in vital research to improve the outcomes and lives of children with cancer.

Book your place

Tickets for the CCLG Research Discovery Day are free but places are limited, so book yours today.

Order your free ticket