Killing dormant leukaemia cells to stop relapse
Targeting refractory and dormant stem cells in childhood leukaemia
We have been funding expert research since 2016, aiming to ensure that every child and young person has a safe and effective treatment for their cancer, and that they can live long and happy lives post-treatment.
Targeting refractory and dormant stem cells in childhood leukaemia
Can we reduce or eliminate the sensory nerve damage caused by vincristine chemotherapy? Potential novel adjunct neuroprotective/analgesic therapies.
Deciphering the New Molecular Landscape in Paediatric Recurrent Ependymoma: Implications for Molecular Targeted Therapy
Exploring alterations in amino acid metabolism as novel therapeutic targets in paediatric glial tumours using advanced metabolomics methods
NIVO-ALCL - Phase II trial of nivolumab for paediatric and adult relapsing/refractory ALK+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma, for evaluation of response in patients with progressive disease (Cohort 1) or as consolidative immunotherapy in patients in complete remission after relapse (Cohort 2)
Towards inhibiting cut-and-run: An aberrant V(D)J recombination reaction that leads to lymphoid cancers
Understanding and improving the mechanism of action of anti-GD2 monoclonal antibody therapy in neuroblastoma
Identifying which are the cellular molecules that drive growth and spread of rhabdoid tumours, and to use this information to nominate new treatment strategies and develop real-time diagnostic tests for personalising treatment
Identifying Combination Therapies Targeting Apoptosis pathways in Paediatric AML (CAuSAL study)