New TYAC Chair, Liz Purnell, said: "I’m Liz Purnell and I am the Lead Nurse for Teenagers & Young Adults with Cancer for South Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire, and North Derbyshire.
"I qualified as a paediatric nurse in 2006, and I have spent the majority of my career working on TYA units across the UK. I have worked on the units in Leeds, Cambridge and I am now Lead Nurse in Sheffield providing direct care and support to young people and their families across the region.
"I have been fortunate to complete numerous courses during my career, but I think the two that stick out the most are the PGCert in Teenage and Young Adult Cancer care at Coventry University and the Institute for Leadership and Management course (ILM). These have both helped me advance my skills both as a nurse but also as a leader.
"I think the biggest achievement of my career has always been the care I have provided to young people and their families. I am also so lucky to be in my current role as I can influence change and raise the profile of young people with cancer. I am fortunate to have a supportive and creative team of Youth Support Co-ordinators, Clinical Nurse Specialists and MDT Co-ordinator who always go above and beyond to ensure that young people are supported during their cancer pathway, so working with them is a massive career highlight.
"Outside of work (I do leave work occasionally), I am a mum to three crazy children who always keep me on my toes. I am also ever so slightly obsessed with Lego houses, and I like to bake cakes and treats for family and work colleagues.
"I am honoured to be joining the TYAC Executive group and I think that there are exciting times ahead. I am committed to improving services for young people and listening to their feedback on how we can develop to meet their needs."
New Executive member, Hanna Simpson, said: "My name is Hanna Simpson and I am the Lead Nurse for Teenagers & Young Adults with Cancer, Ambulatory Care and Withington Unit here at The Christie. I am a paediatric nurse by background and have focused my career on the care of children and young people with Haematological and Oncological conditions throughout their care trajectory. I have BSc in Paediatric Nursing, MSc in Healthcare leadership, and I am a NMP and a Florence Nightingale Scholar. My achievements across my career include the Queens Nursing accolade for my contribution to paediatric hospice care and also becoming a Florence Nightingale Scholar, however my biggest achievement is watching the TYA team providing the most outstanding care to patients.
"I am passionate about leadership and supporting teams in providing the high quality care for TYA patients with Cancer across all areas. I believe that TYA’s lead their care in the best way and that it is imperative that we as the team around them use their fragility as a resource and actively listen how to support them in a meaningful way.
"When I am not at work one of the joys in my life are my children and my flock of chickens!
"I am delighted to join the TYAC Executive Group, this is an opportunity to work with the leaders in TYA Cancer Care and ensure the outcomes of TYAs with Cancer continues to improve. I am also passionate about ensuring the TYA cancer workforce remains supported, motivated, educated and valued."