Rosie was previously healthy with no medical problems until she developed a limp just days before her third birthday. Within days, she was unable to bear any weight. It was unclear what the problem was because her blood tests were clear, and she had no other symptoms. Eventually, an MRI scan revealed lesions throughout all the major bones in her body. They told us she had cancer.
The doctors did not initially consider leukaemia because her blood and first bone marrow tests appeared clear, making the diagnosis difficult.
On February 10, 2015, a biopsy of one of the lesions in her leg led to a diagnosis, and treatment began. Rosie was unable to walk for some time due to complications of treatment, as her symptoms were not typical.
She was treated at Birmingham Children's Hospital and has been in remission for several years.
She is fit, well, and strong, and she can participate in park runs and play football and cricket for both school and her club. She kept a diary and wrote a book - it's incredible what she remembers from being so young; writing about it helps her cope. She's truly inspirational!