In October 2021 my five year old had a sore stomach and was in so much pain. She had a temperature and couldn't stand up straight.
I called NHS 24 for advice, as a temperature is a sign of Covid, I was told to wait for a Covid nurse to call back.
I had a gut feeling and knew it wasn't covid, so I went straight to A&E to be told it was viral on two separate visits.
An ultrasound then confirmed that there was a lump that shouldn't be there on Lucie's left kidney and was told that she needed to be seen by a consultant.
Doctors were sure it was a Wilms tumour.
Lucie needed four weeks of chemotherapy prior to a six hour surgery to remove the tumour and kidney, followed by even more chemotherapy.
Everything from then on is a blur as it all starts so quick!
So much information is given and a plan is put together.
Two days later Lucie had surgery to have her port inserted for chemotherapy.
Lucie is very lucky to have only been an outpatient and never spent time in hospital except after her surgeries.
I am extremely grateful to the hospital on how quick they acted and always remind myself to go with my motherly instinct if I feel something's not right!
You never expect to hear the word 'cancer' and it’s something we think about every single day - it’s never forgotten about.
Lucie is now 11 months in remission and attends hospital every three months for CT scans, chest X-rays and ultrasounds.