Ieuan’s Golf Day raises more than £1,500 for neuroblastoma research

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A charity golf day has raised over £1,500 for Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Special Named Fund.

The Ieuan Evans Memorial Fund was set up in memory of 21-month-old Ieuan, who passed away from neuroblastoma in 2018, by his parents Gemma and Leigh, who, along with their supporters, have so far raised over £10,000 for much-needed research into the disease.


With Leigh being a keen golfer and member of Milford Haven Golf Club, in Pembrokeshire, he and Gemma thought a golf day dedicated to Ieuan would be the perfect event for their latest incredible fundraiser. 

A scorching summer’s day saw 25 teams of four gather to compete in a hard-fought contest at the club, with the quartet of Jason Rickard, Leighton Edwards, Mike Drysdale and John Turpin claiming first place.

Gemma said of the day: “The weather on the day was fantastic and everyone was in a really good mood to play – it was a perfect day for golf!  

“We had great support from friends, family and the local community putting teams in for the event.

“We also did a raffle on the day and, again, the local community were excellent in offering raffle prizes for the event.

“The golf club helped organise the event, and a special thanks must go to Rob Davies and Tom Hilling at the pro shop for all their help. 

“We would like to say thank you to the Milford Haven Golf Club for holding the event and to everyone who took part on the day and to those who donated prizes for the raffle.

“We really do appreciate everyone who gets involved and helps! 

“A great total of £1,530 was raised on the day and, since this event, the captain of the club Clive Brown also donated the money from the club’s Captain’s Day to the fund, which was another £545!

“Ieuan’s Golf Day will definitely become an annual event.”

With lockdown restrictions lifting, Gemma said that she and Leigh are now planning their future fundraising, as well as currently supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM).

Gemma added: “We’re now pushing CCAM in which we are selling gold themed cocktails and desserts for Ieuan’s fund from our restaurant/bar, the Harbourmaster, and are hoping on holding a Ladies’ Day event soon."

Find out more about The Ieuan Evans Memorial Fund