CCLG releases impact report on its research into improving children’s cancer survival

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Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) has published its first ever report showcasing the impact our research has had on driving forward pioneering breakthroughs into finding a cure for childhood cancer.

To mark CCLG’s 45th anniversary this year, we launched our first Research Impact Report at our annual conference in April. We are proud that over £15.5 million worth of research has been funded through CCLG making a vital difference to treatments and care for children with cancer. We continue to build on this success and deliver results through our national research networks and collaborations such as with The Little Princess Trust.

Professor Andrew Peet, who headed CCLG’s research advisory group for five years, presented the report to an audience of doctors, nurses and researchers, who are all involved in childhood cancer care. He said:

“Research has always been at the core of CCLG’s activities, and we recognised that improvements in the diagnosis, understanding and treatment of children’s cancer only occur with a flourishing research programme.

“It is therefore with great pleasure that this report brings together some of the fantastic achievements attained by the world-leading researchers associated with this venture.

“I am looking forward to seeing the amazing progress made in finding a cure for children’s cancer over the next few years.”

Professor Andrew Peet


CCLG funds research that covers all aspects of children’s cancer, from diagnosis to quality of life once treatment has finished. Our aim is to find kinder and more effective treatments so all children with cancer survive and live healthy and independent lives.

We believe that every child with cancer deserves a future, no matter how rare their cancer is. Our established research programme covers a range of projects including rarer types of childhood cancer, as well as long-terms effects of treatment and mental health. 

Ashley Gamble, CCLG Chief Executive, said:

“We are proud to have funded and supported research for many years, contributing to the huge advances we have seen over the past four decades.

“We thank our supporters, researchers, healthcare professionals and charity partners for their commitment and dedication to research.

“I am hugely proud of what we have achieved over the past five years, however, some childhood cancers have not seen the same improvements in outcomes as others.

“There are still significant gaps in our understanding of childhood cancers and many treatments still result in significant, lifelong side effects.

“This report is a celebration not just of research that CCLG has helped to fund, but the impact of our collaborations and partnerships on the childhood cancer research landscape.”

Read CCLG’s Research Impact Report to find out more about how we are helping to change the future for children with cancer.

Download and read now