Magazine articles list

Standing back’ became an irrelevance

Alexander Clarke was diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma aged 19, meaning he was old enough to make his own treatment choices. His mum Denise describes how he helped lessen their worries by involving them throughout, even when there were no further treatment options left for him.

A parent’s view... Shielding

Shielding...a term unknown until March 2020! Tash Larcombe, whose nine-year-old son, Finley, has leukaemia, writes on what shielding has been like for her and her family.

Decision making in rhabdomyosarcoma

Our supporters help us to continue our important research through fundraising and donations, with many of our research projects supported by our Special Named Funds.

A spotlight on: CCLG Special Named Funds

CCLG’s trailblazing and innovative Special Named Funds (SNFs) programme provides a positive platform for families, friends and communities to raise funds in the name of a child affected by cancer. Carly tells us more.