Magazine articles list

Ask the Expert: Nicky Webb

Nicky Webb, is a clinical nurse specialist for the long-term follow-up of survivors of childhood cancer at the East Midlands Children and Young Person's Integrated Cancer Service. She is also a CCLG member and plays an active role in CCLG's specialist Late Effects Group.

Making progress: CCLG’s research journey

First formed to establish clinical trials in childhood cancer, research has always been an integral part of CCLG’s work. Ellie Ellicott, CCLG Research Communications Executive, tells us more about its research journey and how the experiences of those that matter the most are helping shape future directions.

Innovations in treatment delivery

It’s not just the type of treatments that doctors look to improve, but the way they can be delivered so they are safer and more effective, too. We hear from two leading experts on already established advancements in eye cancer treatment, and a developing example of progress in brain tumour therapy.

Knowledge is power: The awareness campaign aiming to accelerate diagnosis

Child Cancer Smart is a public health intervention aiming to empower both the public and healthcare professionals with knowledge about childhood cancer symptoms. Dr Shaarna Shanmugavadivel, CCLG Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham and part of the project team, tells us more.