Magazine articles list

A woman with short brown hair is wearing a cream cardigan and standing in front of a children's hospital

Donating cancer samples for research

A biobank is a store for cancer samples which are then released for research studies. Professor Deb Tweddle, Director of VIVO Biobank, Professor of Paediatric Oncology and Honorary Consultant at Newcastle University and Newcastle Hospitals, and Dr Mariya Geneshka, Research Associate at the University of York, tell us more about donating samples for biobanking, and its importance to improving treatment and care.

What is patient and public involvement (PPI) in research?

Dr Sarah Evans, Head of Research at CCLG, describes what patient and public involvement (PPI) involves. PPI is about researchers and those who fund research teaming up with people who have personal experience with a health condition. This collaboration helps make sure that research focuses on what really matters to the people it’s meant to help, like patients and their families.

A focus on functional imaging and artificial intelligence

Imaging is central to diagnosing and monitoring solid cancers and scans are a key part of the patient and family journey. Different types of scans such as CT, MRI and PET, have all become commonplace in hospitals throughout the UK and children benefit from the accurate high-quality images they produce.