Front cover for factsheet - When your child's cancer comes back or does not respond to initial treatment

When your child's cancer comes back or does not respond to initial treatment

Published: Jan 2021

Next review: Jan 2024


Being told your child’s cancer has come back or hasn’t gone away can come as a huge shock bringing back many emotions from your child’s first diagnosis. This booklet acknowledges these feelings and gives information to help you cope with the experience once again.

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How this resource was made

Written by the CCLG Publications Committee, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer. With thanks to Dr Heather Borrill, Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Paediatric Oncology at Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle Upon Tyne, and Dr Angela Kirby, Specialist Clinical Psychologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, for their expert input.

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Parents reading this booklet find themselves once again where they hoped they and their child would never be. The team looking after you will give you advice specific to your child. This booklet gives helpful answers to general questions and some useful suggestions. Use it to help you write lists of questions to ask the team about what the next steps are. Take all the help you are offered. You are not on your own walking down this unexpected path.
Dr Martin English, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Birmingham Children's Hospital