Front cover for factsheet - peripheral blood stem cell harvesting

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) harvesting

Published: Nov 2018

Next review: Nov 2021


This factsheet is written to help explain what is involved with a peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) harvest. It explains what haematopoietic stem cells are; why we need to collect them; and what happens before, during and after the harvest.

Written for young people with cancer, and parents and carers of a child or young person with cancer, having a stem cell transplant, and for stem cell donors.

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How this resource was made

Original version written by Julie Guest on behalf of the UK Paediatric/Adolescent Stem Cell Transplant Nurses Group, in conjunction with the CCLG Publications Committee. This revision produced by the CCLG Publications Committee, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children's cancer.

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